What are your full moon plans?

Conation Collective full moon testing

Full moon prototype testing

A few months ago I was invited to climb a 14er (Colorado term for a 14,000 foot mountain) by the light of the moon. We did the entire hike without lights, summitting around 3am. It was an incredible experience, and just as the sun started to rise over the eastern ridges we reached the bikes we had stashed along the trail. You can read the whole story here.

We rode down at around 5am, and in the picture above you can see the first prototypes of Conation Collective shorts. We used blank (undyed) fabric because it’s cheaper to make prototypes that way, but rest assured the production version will look sweet and won’t show dirt as easily as the prototypes.

Let us know if you have any awesome full moon plans, and how your apparel plays in to your adventure!